
Facebook Conversion Pixels mean no more guesswork

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Advertising on Facebook is a given. It remains the dominant social referral traffic site and not advertising there would be almost neglectful, a missed opportunity at the very least.

The goal of advertising is to turn users into customers—it’s marketing for sales. And nobody knows more about Facebook’s data, well, than Facebook.

Measuring ROI for Facebook can be a bit complex. It is a networking site that is more than just sales—it’s customer service as well with brand sentiment and public relationships. Facebook adverts are typically run to increase traffic to your business site. Which means sales conversions. And that can be measured very effectively with the use of Facebook’s Conversion Tracking tool and optimized CPM (oCPM).

This tool reports on the actions people take after clicking your ad. How? With the use of an offsite pixel. Facebook has made tracking your conversions even simpler by using a conversion-tracking pixel that is added to the pages of your website—where the conversions actually happen.

This pixel is a snippet of code that sits in the <HEAD> tags of specific pages on your site (depending on your desired actions) and monitors the events that take place after people have clicked through from your ads on Facebook. No more guessing if your ad dollars were successfully spent. And no more guessing if your upswing in conversions were a result of your ads. As if that wasn’t enough to get you creating pixels, Facebook has also published that, “Beta tests have shown that when conversion measurement is used with optimized CPM, ads reduced the cost per conversion by 40 percent when compared to CPC ads using the same budget.” 

Once the conversion pixel is created, you can use this in conjunction with the bidding option in your campaigns in order to focus your ads to only those people who are most likely to convert. A true Direct Response (DR) campaign.

Find out how to get started with creating pixels here, or contact us and let us put our Facebook advertising expertise to work for you.


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