Last week, Facebook launched their “Tips to Spot False News” guide. It appeared at the top of users’ news feeds in 14 countries around the world. The banner notification linked users to Facebook’s Help Center where they were greeted with ten tips on spotting fake news on the social platform.
This guide covers everything from being wary of headlines and sources to checking dates and comparing articles to other reports on the subject.
Facebook’s Tips to Spot False News Facebook Help Center
These tips are also Facebook’s proactive response to the criticism they’ve received regarding their major role in the spread of fake news, particularly during the 2016 United States presidential election.
Since then, Facebook and other social media websites have taken measures to reduce the amount of fake news shared on their platforms. As Facebook is one of the most used platforms globally, it’s vital for their users to feel they’re well informed through accurate information. For instance, Facebook’s Trending feature now displays news that has been shared by multiple reputable sources instead of displaying the most popular shared articles on the web—whether they’re fake news or not.
When it comes to posting articles on Facebook or any of your other social media accounts, be aware of the accuracy of the information you’re sharing—your personal and your business’ reputation depends on it. Learn more about how your personal social media can affect your professional online presence.
idig Marketing is a full-service digital marketing firm that will define your goals and determine your direction and the key metrics for evaluating success. We’re capable of handling everything from robust technology implementations on tight schedules to clearly conveying brand sentiment on an ongoing basis.
Contact an idig Marketing specialist today to learn more.
We’ll show you the best ways to navigate your social media presence and build a better brand.
idig Marketing is a full-service digital strategy and development firm that generates meaningful website traffic and drives high value leads to your organization. By optimizing organic content with paid advertising our custom methodology is adapted to meet your requirements and to exceed your objectives.